
Jumat, 06 April 2012

Kutipan Film

  • · "You can't stop my happiness because I like the way I am" - Hairspray 
    · "Because I know in my heart. You are the only one for me" - THE RUNAWAY BRIDE  
    · "I want to do something big & something important." - It's A Wonderful Life
    · "Love is a game. Easy to start. Hard to finish" - SINGLES
    · "Now I wanna be happy. And the only way that I can be happy is if I'm with you." -Just Go With It
    · “I never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away. And going away means forgetting.” - Peter Pan
    · "You know, the thing about romance is... people only get together right at the very end." -Love Actually
    · "I still want to believe anything can happen in this world, for an ordinary girl like me" - Hannah Montana
    · "You make it impossible for me to hate you." -When Harry Met Sally
    · "Love is funny. Makes you happy, sad and makes you do all sorts of things you never thought you'd do before" -ILY Phillip Morris (2009) 
    · “If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a game-show host." -Heathers (1989)
    · "Thank you Mom, for having me. I know it was a lot of pain." -Click (2006)
    · "With God, nothing is impossible" - FACING THE GIANTS
    · "I don't want to waste another moment of my life without you in it. " -Garden State (2004) 
    · "I can be your best friend or your worst enemy." -The Cable Guy (1996)
    · "My life has taught me one lesson: Happy endings only happen in the movies." -Hugo (2011)
    · “Music and love, they’re going to bring you joy.” -The Last Song (2010) 
    · “Maybe we never really know how good we have it, until it’s gone.” -Megamind (2010)
    · "Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love. Sometimes it makes you love them more." -The Last Song (2010)
    · “Whatever happens, if you act from the heart, you can't make a mistake.” -Tin Cup (1996) 
    · “Love is blind, friendship closes its eyes.” -Triggermen (2002) 

Sumber : @kutipanfilm

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